More people seem to be looking at this page rather than the home page, so I thought I'd post a copy of the video here too.:
I finally got some photos of the Curragh boom accident this week, so I thought I'd post them right away, since there's a lot of interest in them.
In the photos, you can see the damage to the top chord of the boom. The Manitowoc crane itself is destroyed except for the main house. You can see the remains of the front boom hanging over the remains of the rear boom. It's amazing no-one was seriously hurt. The boom itself would have to be totally written off, and rebuilt from scratch.
i worked on the boom point section of the curragh fiasco. i think they did build some new sections for it but i was suprised how little damage there was to the boom point to be honest. that whole shutdown was a clust _____ from the start.
A bit old now, but I got this footage emailed to me today and have uploaded to YouTube.
Does anyone know the name of the crane company?
A crane of that type and being 'blue' in colour would most likely be from Lampson Cranes in Awaba, NSW.
What date did that occur?
I found something about this online at the Queensland Supreme Court. It's certainly not good advertising material for Lampsons.
Maybe the question has to be asked ,why was a crane needed to lower the boom ,might have had something to do with a high step fiasco prior to the lift which had nothing to do with a crane company
Hi, I just saw on our Notice Board from QLD Government DME, Inspector of Mines to Curragh dated Feb 2009; he said that on conclusion of investigation the fall of the dragline was a result of operator error! I know this is old news but the above comments don't address this point.
Well we ALL know G & S are guns for hire. What I don't understand is why did the crane owner got jibbed? G & S hired them..!
G & S are essentially ripping off everyone. Their clients and their workforce. They pay a ring in and don't make sure he is good enough for the job....well that is their fault!!!!!!!!! Did they drug and alcohol test him? Did they check his references? Did they have any fitness for duty plan in place to make sure the operator was fit for duty on the day in question?????? Did they offer a pay rate equal to the skills required? I am betting no on all fronts!
G & S are cowboys. why is it that unit availability drop from 99% to 90%? G & S... simple, they are shit.
G & S need to answer some questions, not the crane company!!!!!!!!!
Do we have a Lampson fanboy here?
If G&S are shit (as we all supposedly should know) according to the previous poster, then why did Lampson's hire a crane to them?
Those fruit baskets must be real good. LOL
That is definitely a Lampson Transilift crane. Check out Lampson's web sit for a description.
I have driven cranes for Lampson before. They are cowboys too don't maintain their equipment just drive it into the ground literally
Lampson Cranes and G&S Engineering, both well known cowboys in their own right. A dangerous combination!
Didnt something like this happen at Curragh 15 odd years ago too. I remember this one but vaguely remember a big accident around 99-00
No nothing has happened like this involving a dragline boom at Curragh prior
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