These photos are only a few weeks old. The dragline here from the Norwich Park mine in Queensland has had its bench fail underneath it. Sometimes benches will fail slowly, but this one happened only over the course of a few seconds. The operator only had just enough time to jump off the dragline before it fell to its current position, and it's lucky the bench didn't collapse further. Amazingly, there was no significant damage to the dragline.

So why is the Operator posing for a picture without his PPE on????
Because his PPE is still on the Dragline.
I have a PPT of the extraction process they used on the drag. If you want I can e-mail it to you.
J Mark
That would be great. I haven't seen any additional photos of that incident since it occurred. Please send through the PPT. Email address is mining.mayhem@gmail.com
PPE was not going to do anything for him
YES!!! PPE could be of no help as the whole tale in each image itself tells every story. SAFETY is the term which will evaporates every moment even if a lot of precautions are in the way of uninvited Harm…
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